Movie: View of city from the fort.  Caution you may get sick.



Karni Bhawan Hotel.

Bird's eye view of city

Mehrangarh Fort

Fort walls and blue city.




Wall walk to temple.

Raoully says, “take off your shoes!”

Temple wall in fort.

Peek from temple wall.



Yes, they're blue.

Supposedly repels mosquitos.

And helps with the heat.

Originally, a class thing.  Now anyone can do it.



Restaurant in fort.

Wow that's steep.

Have they finished shopping yet?

Yes, we're finished. Now how will we fit these in the suitcase?



Sunset at the fort.

The king's dog.

Karni Bhawan Hotel. Our room was top left.

Raoul sneaks a biscuit. After a hard day's work and right before dinner.